Thursday, August 22, 2013

Heroes Rise Again

Angel Locsin (left) and Marian Rivera (right) both played the role of Philippine Superhero DARNA!
So many tragedies happened in the Philippines for this past few days. Bombing struck Cagayan de Oro and Cotabato City; “Pork Barrel Scandal” erupts in MalacaƱang Palace; Passenger and Cargo ships collided near Cebu City. And mostly, Typhoon Maring intensively visited the country which flooded  several parts of Manila recently.
Marian Rivera personally helps in relief operations in Pasay City.
Angel Locsin volunteered to help Red Cross in giving relief goods.
Some celebrities raised their concerns towards the flood victims through posting some reminders and info’s via Instagram, Facebook and Twiiter accounts. With this tragical incident, everybody needs a friend, a helping hand, a hero. And once again, two of the famous and hottest celebrities in the Philippines swallowed their stone and soared high to reach out their concern and love for their fellow Filipinos. They declined interviews to avoid issues, if possible, they don’t want cameras. But because they are famous, it is impossible to keep their valiant deeds to be secret. And sadly, fans of each side raged once again by conveying their opinions that were being offensive and demeaning to both actresses. In an attempt to analyze both of their situations, I appeal to them by sharing thoughts that may give us a chance to change what we are facing for the two of them.

By what was happening, our heroes (Darna Angel and Marian) turned out like villains in the eyes of many which is honestly, an unpleasant trait of being a human. The persons which may had been used as instrument by God to help the needy became a bait to create criticism. Because of these events for comparing two of the most great female celebrities in the Philippine industry, it appears that the actresses itself were damaged due to the clash of their fans.  Instead of respect, they receive flak and discrimination. Instead of gratitude, they receive disapproval.

And YES! The Bible says “If you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”. But, the will of helping other people “personally” is such a different thing. We can't accuse a person for being hypocrite if he/she gives tithes on Church where many people could see. Sometimes, it makes our life worthy to help people in all the way we could. It’s not easy to go through flood and heavy rain and fetch their selves up like a girl scout to offer help while they can do all the time they want spending it at home and ignore those people in need just to keep themselves safe. The significant thing is, what they have done was sincere and it came from their heart. If they were only just an ordinary people, I believe critics won’t tell that to them.

Why not being thankful for having both of them as a Filipino which we can be proud of? Why not being happy for what they did? Why not embrace and accept them for who they are? Why not love them knowing they are both women? They are not that naive. As a human, they have their own feelings and emotions. When someone was inspired by them, they’ll be happy. It adds to their precious memories. And if someone discredited them, I believe, they’ll be sad. They have their mouth, so they can smile. They have their eyes, so they can cry. Yet, they have the heart to stay strong, and never get tired of helping other people. For in a period of calamities, they will never be called celebrity anymore. Because in times of trouble, they can be our friend, our allies.... OUR HEROES.

“Matuto sana tayong maging masaya para sa nagagawang kabutihan ng iba”

Thanks for reading! Spread Good Vibes! God bless.

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